Our History So Far

Slaley Shop was run by Margaret & Roy Ward for over 50 years. It was set to close when they decided to retire. Too small to attract a commercial buyer, it looked as if it might be lost to the village. The community rallied and formed a Community Benefit Society in March 2017. This Society ran the shop, initially renting the premises from the Wards. Following a share offer in 2019, the Society purchased the shop and since then Slaley Community Shop Limited has been run entirely by volunteers.

Our Community Shop

Slaley Community Shop Limited is a Community Benefit Society, registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registration number 7515.

There are over 150 members who currently receive 3% interest each year on their investment.

New members are always welcome – membership forms are available from the Shop.

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